FOOD OUTREACH- We currently provide monthly food bags to 25 families located in Chiang Mai and Lampang but our goal is to provide 100 bags a month.

ENGLISH- Jason is involved in an English club that takes place at the Police Headquarters each week. It is a great way to help them practice their english and for him to get to know many members of the community that we otherwise wouldn’t have an opportunity to meet.

We also participate in various English camps and classes for kids alongside other organizations who are helping to meet these needs.

AGRICULTURE- We have a few local partners we are working with to establish community gardens and farms as a way to reach into their communities with needed food and also as a way to help support local churches. There is a local organization that offers classes and trainings throughout the year and we get involved with them as much as we can.

DISCIPLESHIP- Weekly Bible studies, home visits, prayer walking, trainings and Sunday church services are just a few of the ways we are leading and training up others.

BUSINESS- We have a separate business fund that is used to loan money to empower locals to start a small business. These business’ meet needs in the community and, at the same time, open up doors for sharing the Gospel.

YOUTH- Each month we host a gathering of MKs/TCKs (missionary kid/third culture kid) at our home for them to have a safe place to gather together, have fun and grow in their friendships. These kids have a unique perspective on life and it is our desire to see them thrive.

SUPPORT- It is our desire to support and encourage others who are also walking in faith in what God has asked them to do. We travel to different provinces in Thailand to do that. Whether it is going to pray with them, advise them on a project, step in to supervise for a few days so they can take a breather, provide meals or just sit with them we do it all. We know the value of community and continually want to support others in their journey.