Thank you for checking out our page, we are so glad you are here. Grab a cup of coffee, or an ice cream cone and have a look around. We hope you'll be inspired to action in the calling God has on your life by looking through these pages. 

 We are Jason and Kerri Kealey, and we live in Thailand with our 4 beautiful children. 

We have both felt a calling to be missionaries since we were young and have always had a heart for helping others get to know God and experience His unending love for them. It is our desire that all people would experience a life changing connection with Jesus Christ.

In January 2014, after living in an RV for 10 months and traveling the East Coast, we arrived in Thailand with our 4 children, Faith, Rylan, Addison and Eaden. We have been living and serving here since. We spent the first few years helping in different children’s homes serving kids who had been rescued from the atrocities of human trafficking. Jason worked alongside Thai staff to help build discipleship programs, facilities maintenance and teach Bible classes. Kerri assisted in the youth program, English program and parent discipleship.

In 2016, we felt that God was calling us to something new. We still have a passion for helping to end the vicious cycle of human trafficking and to see children brought from slavery into freedom. We have a passion to bring the good news of the Gospel and to see the lost find new life in Christ.  We have a passion to love those who have felt unlovable and to serve those who have felt unwanted. We have a passion to see orphans find their forever family. We have a passion to see people realize who they were created to be and to help them realize their full potential.

After months of prayer, and seeking wisdom from our mentors, Pastors and friends, we set out on this journey to begin a new work.  Through that prayer and searching, Freedom Rising was birthed and we have been on a mission to help others and to make Jesus known.

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.”
― Matthew 25:35-36