New Baptisms

More that we could ask or think... 

The day before our June service we were trying to get an idea of how many people were planning to get baptized.  We thought that there were about 6 people who said that they were ready and a number of people who said they were close but not 100 % yet.   If we are being honest, we were very excited that even 6 people wanted to take that step! In Thailand, baptism is a huge step, and it usually takes some time before people  feel ready to take this step.    So, the night before the service we went to the store and purchased 10 towels.  We got a few extras just in case some people changed their minds. Little did we know God had much bigger plans!

On the day of the service, after sharing a meal together, reading the Word and sharing testimonies of God's work in our lives, we shared about baptism and why it is an important step in our walk with God.  Then we were ready to try out our newly donated baptismal tank. And that's when we were blown away at God's goodness.  We quickly ran out of towels.  When it was all over, 17 people were baptized. 

God had truly done above and beyond what we thought was possible.  What a testimony to the faithfulness of our God.  His heart is so big, and He wants everyone to be a part of His family.

What's really amazing is that these are first-generation Christians.  They are part of theNorthern Thai people groupwhich is has only 0.03% Evangelical Christians.  These are the first people in their families to hear about the Gospel and put their trust in Jesus.  There has never been a church in their village. Until now!  

Since Christmas, God has really moved in our Chiang Mai and Lampang communities. We thought it was amazing at Christmas when 3 people decided to be baptized but this month we were overwhelmed with joy when 17 more people decided to be baptized. Since Christmas 20 people have chosen to be baptized

Among those getting baptized was a man named Som. He was in a terrible accident over 25 years ago and has been bed ridden ever since. He said that a Christian visited him over 20 years ago, told him about Jesus, prayed with him and then never came back. For the last 20 years he has been trying to learn what he can about Jesus. When we started visiting with him a few months ago and bringing him food, and praying with him he couldn't believe it. He was so excited to finally meet more Christians and learn more about Jesus. We gave him an audio bible a few months ago and have been visiting with him, encouraging him and praying with him since. We were so excited to have him at the service and baptize him right there in his motorized bed! He was so full of joy and wants to let everyone know about God's love!

Please continue to pray for us and our team as we continue to disciple these people, and more.  Just today we had another lady say she is ready to be baptized now.  We thank God for the opportunity to serve these people and shine God's light here. 

Enjoy the pictures below they are so full of joy, life and laughter.  

We are so thankful for you and so expectant for God to continue moving here.