2020 Reflections

Over the last few weeks we have been able to reflect back, as we are sure many of you have, on our last year. 2020 was a different kind of year for everyone. There were moments that challenged all of us as we faced the unknowns of a global pandemic. There were moments of feeling isolated from friends, family and community. Time seemed to go by ever so slowly, while at the same time passing at the speed of light. World wide travel essentially came to a halt and all of a sudden the world felt a little bit smaller. And, on top of all that was going on throughout the world, the division in the US continued to increase and we watched and prayed from a distance as there was, and still is, violence and unrest in our passport country.  We continue to pray. We continue to hope for healing in our nation.

But, through all of that, God was, and still is, on the throne. He still continues to show us grace when we don’t deserve it. He still loves us even when the world may tell us we are unlovable. He extends His hand of forgiveness when we have made the same mistake over and over again. He loves unconditionally.
As we have thought about all of these and tried to process them, we also take time to show our extreme gratitude for the ways in which God has worked through this last year.  We are humbled to be a part of working for His kingdom here in Thailand.

During lockdown we were able to get to know many of our neighbors because they were usually gone long hours for work. The friendships we were able to start when we were all staying home have continued to grow.  
Throughout the lockdown we were able to ensure that families in need were able to eat. We helped establish a restaurant that has provided income to help support projects that will sustain families. Frog farms were started that will not only generate extra income, but will also provide food for families who need it. Through our partnership with Pastor Wep, and your generous help, pig farms and fish farms will also be providing extra income and food for families. The Christmas Outreach with Abba Church was a great success and it has truly been a joy to see Pastor Wep love and care for his church. We look forward to being a part of it growing even more this year.

As we look forward to this year, we are filled with hope and expectancy. There are still so many unknowns throughout the world, but what we do know is we have the answer for the peace that so many are looking for. Over the last few months God has been strategically bringing us together with others who have the same vision for Thailand, and as we partner with them, we are expectant to see lives changed and hearts receive the message of the Gospels.

Thank you for being a part of this journey and the work that God is doing here. Your prayers, words of encouragement and financial support are making a lasting impact. We bless you and your families!