Pray for Myanmar (Burma)

This month we wanted to bring to your attention the recent events in our neighboring country of Myanmar. Before we moved to Thailand we knew very little about Myanmar but over the years this country has become close to our hearts.  We have a number of friends who grew up there, some who still live there as well as a number of missionary friends who work there. A few years ago we lived just 3 miles from the Thai-Burma boarder where we had some foster children from Burma live with us for a season.

 It breaks our hearts to see the events of the past few months. It is just awful!  The country has been working towards building a new democracy with free and fair elections for the past 10 years.  Then, at midnight on the day before they were to take office, the top government officials of the newly elected government were arrested and detained by the military. Again.

This isn't the first time something like this has happened in Myanmar.  In 1947 the top government leaders  were assassinated just as a newly independent government was forming.  Leading to decades of military control and civil war.   Right as it looked like things were changing and there was hope for the future...this happens.

Since the arrests on 01 February 2021, peaceful protestors have taken to the streets all over the country.  What has been the response of the military?  Violence.  Men, women and children, are being shot in the streets and sometimes in their own homes.

Unlawful arrests are in the thousands and once again refugees are fleeing the country.

Air-raids have begun. The military is bombing all across the country.  On Easter a friend wrote that their Easter service was cut short because of aircraft overhead, fearing they would be bombed they fled. Thankfully they weren't, This time.

This is unbelievable. But it is happening and right next door to us.

We—as a world—are too good at looking back to see that we should have done something. But we want to be  part of doing something now. And right now, for us, that means bringing awareness of what is going on right across our border and also giving financial and tangible aid where we can to those in need in Myanmar. We can't look away.

So you might be asking what can you do?

Well, friends, we can pray!  We can we be faithful people who pray against violence in every land, even our own.

Please join with us as we pray specifically for the nation of Myanmar: 
- pray that there would be peace
- that the taking of innocent lives would stop
- pray that the church in Myanmar would grow