Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Our hope is that as you are reading this you and your family are well. We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year!

This past year has been a very full year for our family as we have experienced many joys but also have walked through some very trying times, as we know many of you have too.  We are continually amazed by the prayers and support we receive from the community of people God has surrounded us with.

As 2021 draws to a close we look forward to another great year of serving in Thailand.  We almost can’t believe it but 2022 will be our 8th year of serving in Thailand.  Over the last few years we have been able to partner with local churches and church leaders working together on many projects.  Our partnerships have given us many great opportunities to help support the growth of the Gospel in Thailand and 2022 is looking to be even more exciting.    

In 2022 we will continue to develop our existing projects but we will also be taking over leadership of a loan fund which was originally established to help kingdom focused people start and run their own business.  This is the kind of opportunity we have prayed about for years, we love the idea of using business to help grow God’s kingdom in Thailand.   

After 3 years of being back in Thailand our family is hoping(Covid dependent) to make a trip to America in the late spring for our home assignment term.  Home assignment is a 3-6 month term for our family to visit with family and friends in North America, participate in trainings and also provides us time to update and connect with individuals and churches who have partnered with us and thank them for helping us to spread the Gospel.  Our kids would also tell you it's a time for them to eat Chick-fil-A